Sports Infusion IV Therapy Benefits
Looking for a power boost in performance? Try the Sports IV with its hydrating and restoring effect with the combination of energy boosting Vitamins and Minerals. This IV is perfect for serious athletes, marathon runners, MMA fighters, military and weight lifters. This is power enhancement at its extreme.
Relief from Body Aches & Pains
Prevents Muscle Damage
Decreases Oxidative Stress
Hydrates Your Body
Faster Recovery from Exercise
Provides Energy Boost
Lengthens Endurance
Replenishes Micronutrients
Sports IV Ingredients
Some IV’s may not include all the listed ingredients, depending on formula and/or customization (extras).
B Complex
B12 (cobalamin)
B5 (pantothenic acid)
B6 (pyroxidine)
Glutathione (GSH)
Glycerophosphocholine (GPC)
Magnesium (Mg)
Toradol (ketorolac)
Vitamin C (ascorbate)
Zinc (Zn)
Sports Infusion IV Therapy
The Sports IV also known on our menu as the Cell Energy Formula. The secret to this IV is the amino acids carnitine and taurine. Carnitine is widely accepted by the athletic community to increase performance. As with many nutrients, scientific studies proving this are limited or non-existent, so the use of carnitine is anecdotal. This does not mean it does not work, but there is no scientific proof yet. Taurine on the other hand does have more science behind it. It is thought to “A Potential Ergogenic Aid for Preventing Muscle Damage and Protein Catabolism and Decreasing Oxidative Stress Produced by Endurance Exercise”. Simply said it can prevent muscle breakdown. This would be very helpful in marathons and in other maximum endurance events.
The effects of taurine has been documented and is backed up with several peer reviewed research papers such as this one: Frontiers in Physiology :Taurine: A Potential Ergogenic Aid for Preventing Muscle Damage and Protein Catabolism and Decreasing Oxidative Stress Produced by Endurance ExerciseFlávia G. De Carvalho,1 Bryan S. M. Galan,1 Priscila C. Santos,1 Kelly Pritchett,2 Karina Pfrimer,3 Eduardo Ferriolli,3 Marcelo Papoti,4 Júlio S. Marchini,3 and Ellen C. de Freitas1,4,*
Serious athletes prefer to maximize their performance by receiving this IV before their event. Right before a big MMA event and before the Honolulu Marathon we have an influx of patients the days before who feel they benefit from pre event hydration and nutrition.